UVA-10071 - Back to High School Physics
03 Apr 2018題意概要
某一個粒子有一初速度和等加速度。假設在 秒後此粒子的速度為 ,請問這個粒子在 秒後所經過的位移是多少。
- 分析:本題為簡單的數論題型,由題意可以清楚知道所求為 時間過後的位移,所以直接將 即為答案。
The input will contain two integers in each line. Each line makes one set of input. These two integers denote the value of () and () ( means at the time the particle gains that velocity)
For each line of input print a single integer in one line denoting the displacement in double of that time.
Sample Input
0 0
5 12
Sample Output