Online Judge Record

The following links is my accepted code on each online-judge. Notice that these code is not the only solution to the problem, I only provide my ideas. If you have any quesiton, please feel free to contact with me. It is very welcome to discuss with me here.

To access the following repository on GitHub more easily, the following plugins is recommended to install.

Online Judge UVa

Each problem is placed in its folder which is named by the ID of the problem. The folder contains the following files.

UVA-100 UVA-118 UVA-260 UVA-291 UVA-299
UVA-352 UVA-383 UVA-439 UVA-482 UVA-488
UVA-494 UVA-496 UVA-499 UVA-514 UVA-524
UVA-532 UVA-539 UVA-673 UVA-674 UVA-686
UVA-696 UVA-865 UVA-900 UVA-948 UVA-993
UVA-1225 UVA-1587 UVA-1644 UVA-1730 UVA-10004
UVA-10017 UVA-10026 UVA-10038 UVA-10055 UVA-10056
UVA-10066 UVA-10071 UVA-10098 UVA-10107 UVA-10142
UVA-10242 UVA-10282 UVA-10327 UVA-10415 UVA-10420
UVA-10591 UVA-10633 UVA-10642 UVA-10721 UVA-10810

Online Judge PKU (北京大學程式解題系統)

Each problem is placed in its folder which is named by the ID of the problem. The folder contains the following files.

POJ-1000 POJ-1002 POJ-1007 POJ-1129 POJ-1971
POJ-2371 POJ-2388 POJ-2503 POJ-3067 POJ-3262
POJ-3663 POJ-3664      

Online Judge NCTU (國立交通大學程式解題系統)

Each problem is placed in its folder which is named by the ID of the problem. The folder contains the following files.

NCTU-10400 NCTU-10434 NCTU-10512 NCTU-10527 NCTU-10566
NCTU-10630 NCTU-10920 NCTU-11003 NCTU-11032 NCTU-11049
NCTU-11069 NCTU-11187 NCTU-11226 NCTU-22171 NCTU-22801
NCTU-22811 NCTU-23641 NCTU-23821 NCTU-24711 NCTU-26151

Online Judge Zero (高中生程式解題系統)

Each problem is placed in its folder which is named by the ID of the problem. The folder contains the following files.

ZOJ-a001 ZOJ-a002 ZOJ-a003 ZOJ-a004 ZOJ-a005
ZOJ-a006 ZOJ-a007 ZOJ-a009 ZOJ-a010 ZOJ-a011
ZOJ-a012 ZOJ-a015 ZOJ-a020 ZOJ-a022 ZOJ-a024
ZOJ-a034 ZOJ-a038 ZOJ-a040 ZOJ-a042 ZOJ-a044
ZOJ-a053 ZOJ-a054 ZOJ-a058 ZOJ-a059 ZOJ-a104
ZOJ-a121 ZOJ-a133 ZOJ-a134 ZOJ-a147 ZOJ-a148
ZOJ-a149 ZOJ-a159 ZOJ-a215 ZOJ-a216 ZOJ-a224
ZOJ-a539 ZOJ-a743      

David Lu
Hello, I'm David Lu. I am a graduate student in Department of Computer Science at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. I am in the Networking and Sensing Systems (NSS) Lab at NCTU. If you have any question, please feel free to contact with me.